BM Past and Present           After Missed
    R1 R2 R3 R4 TOT Holes Cut
1 James Hussey -1 -2 E +5 +2 18 0
2 Frankyvoller E +2 +4 +7 +13 18 2
3 Alex Chittenden E E +5 +9 +14 18 2
4 Sam Demby +2 +1 +10 +5 +18 18 2
5 Jim Mackie +3 +1 +9 +6 +19 18 3
6 Ollie Davies 1 E +2 +8 +10 +20 18 3
  Average +1 +1 +6 +7 +14    
  You may need to refresh your browser to get the latest table    
  Updated 11/04/22 08:46:45